Donor: Michel Mantheakis
Value: $15,000

This donation from Michel Mantheakis is a 10-day hunt for Zanzibar Duiker (also known as Aders Duiker), Zanzibar Suni (non-importable in the United States), and Sundevald Blue Duiker.
Come hunt in the beautiful semi-autonomous island of Zanzibar for three species that can ONLY be hunted in Zanzibar. This 15-year conservation project has been a critical effort to save the Zanzibar Duiker from extinction in Zanzibar.
Hunter’s accommodations are in a beach hotel so it is ideal to bring your family and enjoy Zanzibar’s rich history and culture, historic tours, spice tours, museums, deep sea fishing, and beach holidays! This hunt must be taken in 2025 or 2026. The importation of firearms is not allowed; the hunt is conducted with a 12-gauge shotgun (provided by company along with ammo). Non-hunter can be added for the cost of additional hotel accommodations.
Michel has made this donation in honor of Alan & Barbara Sackman, who introduced him to Weatherby Foundation many years ago, and whose friendship he greatly values.
Not Included: hotel accommodations (estimate $1,800 to $4,000 for 10 days, depending on level of hotel – most hunters have been happy with $150-200 per night for full board accommodations); hunting permit fee and trophy handling fees ($2,500); community development and resource development and protection ($5,000); trophy fees ($5,000 for Zanzibar Duiker, $2,000 for Zanzibar Suni, and $2,000 for Sundeveld Blue Duiker); gratuities to staff, PH, and scouts.