Eduardo Negrete was born in 1967 in Mexico City, Mexico, where he has lived since. He has dual nationalities: having inherited the Spanish nationality from his father, Gervasio.

His first job was in a brokerage house, where he worked for a couple of years while finishing his Business Degree at ITAM. He has remained involved in the finance sector ever since.

His first entrepreneurial business was selling wholesale shoes. In 2002, he made a change to Commercial Real Estate.

He married Julia, the love of his life, in 1995. They have been together for 29 years. They have raised their two kids: Julia and Eduardo. A lot of their quality time together is spent in the outdoors. His son is now his hunting partner, and they have shared some wonderful and challenging adventures.

Fishing and bird hunting were introduced to his life by his uncles when he was a child. He has done plenty of both with friends and family.

In 2001, everything changed for him when he went on his first big game hunt in South Africa with his brother Gervasio. His first big game animal was a Cape Eland. On that same trip they went to Zimbabwe where he hunted a Cape Buffalo, and that hooked him on hunting forever.

In 2002, he went with his brother to the Brooks Range in Alaska. They hunted together, enduring and sharing cold, sweat, and pain. There, on day six, they got their two rams within 10 seconds and 100 yards of each other. That hunt forced him to test his limits and strengths. He was intrigued by the challenge only mountain hunting could offer. That is how he found another of his great loves. 

In his life, he has completed 190 big game hunts: 97 in North America, 5 in South America, 32 in Africa, 29 in Asia, 23 in Europe, and 4 in the South Pacific.

His favorite animals to hunt are: buffalo, spiral horn antelope, mountain game, and mule deer.

He has achieved the following hunting awards:

  • Conklin Award winner in 2024
  • Ovis winner in 2020
  • Ovis Super 40
  • Capra Super 40
  • Super Slam
  • Rex Baker Super 40
  • Culminum Magister Fellow


Hector Cuellar put him on the path to the Weatherby Award. Eduardo is sure Hector is smiling in Heaven on this day.