2014 - Renee Snider
Renee Snider is a diminutive woman and modest about her achievements, but don’t let her quiet demeanor fool you. A world-class big game hunter with drive and heart, Renee’s passion for the outdoors began as a youngster as she accompanied her father, who was a skilled outdoorsman, hunting along the Continental Divide.
Renee first traveled to Africa with her husband, Paul, in 1979. Finally, by 1982, he persuaded her to carry a rifle herself. She has enjoyed hunting with family and friends over the years, however for the past 20 years she has hunted alone worldwide. While in Africa, Renee’s humanitarian skills come into play. She takes medical supplies with her and treats native villagers topically and administers major first aid. In some remote areas, Renee is the only medical source these people will ever see.
Renee has received the prestigious Diana Award and is the only woman to receive the Golden Malek Award and the OVIS Award in their histories.
When asked about her favorite hunt, she will simply respond “It is not just about the hunt. More importantly, it is about the beautiful people one meets, the different cultures one experiences and the breathtaking landscape one has the pleasure to see. They are all very special memories.”